Sunday, March 25, 2007


Our Ward Relief Society celebrated RS's One Hundered Sixty- something birthday with a Picnic Feast. The tables were gaily decorated with checkered table cloths and quilts. A kite hung from the ceiling. There were even ants on the serving table. (Plastic, thank goodness! They were quite large)

In the middle of the room was a cute park scene with a small park bench, picnic basket and cabbage patch dolls. During much of the event our little Eve Turpin quietly played picnic with the dolls and play food.

All the food was homemade and delicious. A variety of sandwiches, some tasty Asian noodle dishes, fruit salad, watermelon, fresh squeezed lemonade, finished off with homemade pies and vanilla ice cream. (OK, I don't think the ice cream was homemade.) After we got our pies, which were all scrumptious, the winners of the pie baking contest were announced. I envy the judges for getting to taste them all ! but pity the judges for having to choose! Carol Wright won first with her Sugarless Apple Pie, Lynn MClure placed second with Lemon Merigue, and Charlene Hisamoto's was a very honorable pie. Really, they were all winners.

During the meal we were entertained by the Jugless Jug Band - Billy Bob Frank McClure on guitar, Billy Bob Ray Hamaker on mouth harp, Billy Bob Gordon Lewis on washboard and hanging wrench "bells", Billy Bob Mark Turpin on washtub base, and I cannot remember what Billy Bob Ron Brown played. The music was surprisingly musical, pleasant and fun.

President Hannah Keller did a brief, charming obligatory tribute to Relief Society history.

The event was well attended, nearly every seat was full. One of the most enjoyable Relief Society luncheons ever.

1 comment:

  1. sounds like a nice time! I'm in a RS Pres, have you noticed a drop in attendance since the change to quarterly activities?
