Thursday, November 15, 2007

I think I may be living a rather bad sit-com

Q: What is worse than going to the dentist to have your tooth pulled just before an accounting exam?  
(besides not going to the dentist and having the thing continue to bother you)
A:  Going to the dentist to have your tooth pulled just before an accounting exam and running into your recent ex.
Q: What is worse than going to the dentist to have your tooth pulled just before an accounting exam and running into your recent ex?
A: Going to the dentist to have your tooth pulled just before an accounting exam, running into your recent ex and having him tell you that he is bringing his fiance to your Thanksgiving Dinner with the kids.
This is going to be an interesting Thanksgiving.
PS - to my loving friends and family - do not worried about me, I am more amused than anything except for being a bit concerned for the welfare of the future Mrs.



  1. No Way!!! I am stunned!! Speechless!! (and we both know that takes a lot) Many, many hugs during that dificult dinner. I'll be thinking and praying for you.

    Is it wrong to hope he drops the gravy boat in his lap?? ....yes??? nuts.

    Pam(wishing I could be there for support)

  2. Other than sounding like a scene from Reba, which is crazy, why? I know you still have boys at home, but exes are not that much fun to have around. Don't you remember my 30th birthday? I may have been "okay" with Tom's ex moving in for a night, but my psyche made me sick over it. Take care. You are always in my prayers.
    Love, njp
