Saturday, October 11, 2008

What is General Conference?

Father of Five, thanks for asking. Sorry this took so long. I am having even more time management problems than usual (cursed Accounting class!). Everything and everyone is being sadly, grossly neglected. I shouldn't be here now, in fact. So, shoot me. defines General Conference this way
"A bi-annual world conference of the Church, held in April and October, where members gather for five two-hour sessions to listen to instruction from Church leaders. General conference is broadcast via satellite from the Conference Center at Church Headquarters in Salt Lake City, Utah."

Now for the personal part -

General Conference is the opportunity to sit at the feet of a living prophet of God, apostles, and other church leaders (electronically via satellite) and hear the Lord's message for us, for me, today.

Although we are abundantly blessed with communication from on high - the holy scriptures, of course!; inspired leaders, local as well as general; weekly meetings of worship and instruction; monthly magazines from the church; and personal revelation and answers to prayers (although I need to greatly work on my reception) - there is something special about seeing and hearing the General Authorities speak in real time. To us now.

Ben (15 and 5/6) was sitting next to me taking notes. Almost every time a speaker came to the stand, he would whisper something like "I really like him." "He's great." That's how I feel.
I love to see and hear them. They radiate joy. They teach great truths. They encourage and inspire.

Whenever I see President Thomas S. Monson, prophet and president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, I again feel a witness of the Spirit that he was truly called of God.

The other authorities, as well, but most especially President Monson.

Even now, as I share this with you, I am overcome. I have a testimony that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, our Savior and our loving brother. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is His gospel restored to the earth. Thomas S. Monson is his living spokesman on the earth today.


  1. I echo your sentiments about Conference. Also, you can listen to or watch any conference by going to, click on the "gospel library" link, select "english" and then listen to or watch whichever session or individual talk you want to. I'm going to do this tomorrow and get some of the stuff I missed while taking care of kids.

  2. Thank you, Eva Aurora. I cannot believe that I forgot to include the wonderful resources on!
