Saturday, January 26, 2019

Family Day 2019

The California chapter of my posterity celebrated Family Day together today.  We used the LDS building at 51st & Dover in Sacramento which is a lovely building.  (I live in the same house but attend a different building because of boundary changes.) I had spent weeks researching, planning, and preparing for a fun day together.

I THOUGHT we were going to play a bunch of Minute to Win It games, but we did not. Not a one.  Maybe another time. We managed to enjoy ourselves.

30 baby or youngster pictures of 22 family members (me, my children, their spice, and my grandchildren)  lined one of  the walls for people to identify.

We had a lot of fun with the Photo Booth from Thomas Hinds Entertainment DJ company.  Some of the photos are minorly hysterical.

A game of Headbands was fun. (In headbands everyone has a headband with a card with a name on it stuck in the headband.  Everyone knows what name you have except you. You must ask yes and no questions to figure out who you are.) Since the headband names were family members plus a few Disney characters and Santa Claus, it was pretty easy.  Well, Lucas had a little trouble figuring out he was Santa Claus and it took Bethany a  while to figure out she was Bethany. 

The children stood on the stage and threw  down 5 giant 2 foot inflatable dice for a Yahtzee game scored on the chalkboard.

We did "speed dating" 2 minute interviews with each other. 

In Family Bingo each person filled in bingo cards with the names of family members.  Cards on which we had written something good that happened in the last year were drawn and if it was from someone whose name was on your card, you put an M&M on the space.  Some highlight news:  Acadia is up to 90 push ups, David saw an original manuscript of Handel's Messiah, Benjamin went to Disney World for the first time, Lucas ate at Disney Club 33 (very, very exclusive.  Debi did, too.  She arranged it.  She worked with a member)  Debi traveled to several countries, Sariah kept a houseplant alive for over a year, Andrew was Dungeon Master for a Dungeons and Dragons game, Jared learned welding, Bethany flew an airplane, Joseph went to San Francisco with Andrew. 

We also just chatted.

1 comment:

  1. To Lucas' credit, I think he was the only one who didn't have the name of a family member (at least up to that point in the game).
