I have "always" wanted to go on a Disney Cruise to Alaska. A few years ago, I went on my first cruise and, so far only, Disney cruise with Sariah, Aurora, and Mary Jane - a 3 day Cruise to Nowhere out of San Diego. Loved it.
A year or two ago, I passed up the opportunity to go on an Disney Alaskan Cruise with Sariah's family. Ryan's mom and stepfather went and LOVED it.
A number of things make it hard to decide. One, of course, is expense. Disney Cruises are way expensive, more than most. However, I have yet to find a person who will say it is not worth the extra cost. And I have asked.
Also, my home needs work. The kitchen project was already moving much more slowly and had become more involved than I had anticipated, but the the cornona virus thing came up and work has stopped completely. Once the kitchen is done, there is major work that must be done in the family room (a rotten wall, no kidding). and minor work throughout. Time and money. It would help if I could do any of the work, but I don't think I can and my guys, wonderful though they are in many ways, are not much help there, either.
Another concern is being away from home. We had one year when Miriam was in the emergency room and hospitalized at least 4 times. Internal bleeding. Because of her Lupus, Miriam has been on powerhouse drugs for decades. Prednisone, while saving her life, has also made her body tissues more fragile. The problem is largely addressed now with some medication and being very careful what she eats, nothing acidic or that would scrape her insides. She has been doing well since.
Miriam and I are in a race to see who will die first. (We are not trying very hard to win, nor are we urging the other on!) She because of her Lupus and I because I am getting old. I am about the age when my mother and grandmother died. If I wait to see if I outlast Miriam, I may not ever get to go or do anything. Either because I go first or because I am too decrepit by then. And, as I say, I have no desire to push her off. She is somewhat disabled, but she is still very much alive. She is not afraid to die, but she is in no hurry either. And what would our Relief Society (church women's organization) do without her informative and helpful Facebook posts, weekly emails, and other updates?!
Some months ago, I finally decided to book a cruise. Sariah and I are sailing in September 2021- 7 days. Mary Jane and Sam MIGHT go with us, although it is looking unlikely. or David and Teresa (I could hope!) I will turn 70 on the cruise. It seems like a long way away, but also I realize it will be over all too soon. I won't say I think about it ALL the time, but I do think about it a lot. Sometimes worrying about preparing - what clothes and shoes? - and what about the home front - but mostly enjoying the anticipation.
Here is an email I did not send to Sariah
Written in October 2019-
Sariah, I am so Disney dazed. I already have some Fish Extender Gifts. One tote per cabin. Trying to decide if I will want to get a tote per person. These are just over a dollar each from Oriental Trading Company. So that adds up fast, but I like them. Also a polar bear ornament and a deer or moose ornament for each cabin.
Teresa asked me what I am going to do for my fish extender receiver. I told her I have no idea yet. But I want to wait until we have some idea of who is going, who is participating, and what cabins we have. It's the gifts I am worried about. I feel like I have a good start. I want to do things I would like getting. And a couple of ideas - how to play shuffleboard (LOL) and scavenger hunt. After that, I probably want to wait until I have the group list - so that will be a while since we haven't even committed, let alone booked.
David has not said no yet. Teresa has even given him some idea of the cost. Left to himself, I don't think he would spend that kind of money, but he loves her and she really wants to go and is presenting it as a great 15 anniversary celebration. I think he will go for it. Probably not Fish Extender, though. LOL. Although I can see her enjoying that. On a small scale.
June again
Samantha and her partner are looking to buy a house and so are trying to save money. Mary Jane was just diagnosed with a (treatable) brain tumor and her husband Matthew who does not want to do another Disney cruise to Alaska (she would have come alone) would like to travel somewhere else together. So, while they have not said No, I think they are out. David and Teresa are still undecided. Well, David is still unconvinced, I think. It might be just Sariah and I. Which makes our cabin more expensive each, but I am going!
We even booked a veranda room! When Sariah and family sailed before, they had a veranda and loved it. And got to see the Northern Lights from their veranda which they would have missed otherwise. Of course, there is absolutely no guarantee of us seeing the lights at all, but still. Sometimes I think I should have gone for the much less expensive inside cabin. Some people say why pay more when you will only sleep and dress in your cabin. If I can manage to sail again (as already I am hoping to in 2022), I might try an inside cabin. That would be all I could manage if I go alone, anyway. Some cruisers are very happy with inside cabins. Others say the veranda is the only way. I just want to go. and maybe go again. This time I decided to go for broke and do the most/best I can afford on what might be my only chance.
I have more fish extender gifts now. Even though they are small and inexpensive individually, it would be appalling if I had gotten them all at once. I must stop. I don't even know who they will be for yet. It is more fun to think about Fish Extender gifts than what to wear. Layers. I should be able to manage layers without additional expense. I have a rain suit. I think a rain jacket and sweatshirt should be good. Maybe two sweatshirts if it is really cold. I am a little concerned about shoes. Sandals, crocs, and canvas shoes do not seem suitable. I do have one pair of winter boots that might be good for excursions, but certainly not for wearing all the time! Maybe the crocs and canvas shoes will be enough on board. I don't like buying shoes and don't know what to get. Fortunately, I have time.
I should learn to anticipate and work towards heaven as much as I do a Disney cruise! I do hear that heaven is better than Disneyland, Disney World, or a Disney Cruise.