Marty called us when they got home from their ward conference and told us about a really neat thing their Primary kids got to do. Each child (even the nursery kids, so Noah got to participate) was given a river rock. They used sharpies and wrote their names on their rocks. Then the leaders collected them back and they will be added to the rocks placed under the foundation of the Sacramento temple. How cool is that, for each child to be able to say they have their very own rock helping hold up the temple! I’ll bet many adults wanted to have their own rocks, as well.this morning, I emailed our Stake Leaders to seeif we could do the same thing. I received this repy:
Hello Barbara,
I have received a program outline from Fair Oaks stake (temple host stake) regarding the rock signing project. We're excited about participating and will get information out to the bishops this week. You'll be hearing information on the program this next Sunday, the 6th of February. Thanks for your interest!
Take care, Pres Fisher
from Stake President Pebbles Feb 1, 2005
I was forwarded a fax from Phil Schrimp where you inquired about foundation rocks for the temple. This is a special project, coorelated with the contractor and is for all primary children in the temple district. Information will be given through each wards Primary. It is very specific in the size of the rocks, they are actually quite small so they can be used in the foundation. It is for primary children only and each stake has a limit on the quantity of rocks they can provide. The contractor is being very kind to allow us to do this. The official permission was just given early last week and so we are on a hurry up process to get it done in the stake. I recieved the go ahead on Friday of last week and the stake primary Presidency was instructed on the details of the project after your ward conference last Sunday. The Bishoprics will be instructed at their Thursday meeting with the Stake Presidency this week. The details will be given to the ward Primary President and will happen quickly. The youth will have future opportunities for involvement in the temple, this project is limited to the Primary children. I hope this helps answer your question.
Don Pebbles