Friday, January 15, 2010

last Sunday this and that

    Bishop met with Joseph after Sacrament Meeting- Joseph and about 5 other young adult people. Their happy days of staying in Sister S's class are being brought to an end. She told Bishop that she is not kicking them out, she likes having them there.   So he told them himself.

    Sister S teaches the 16-17 year old Sunday School class.  As her students have grown and moved on to the adult class, she has even invited them to come back to her class.  Everyone involved was happy with the arrangement.

   I don't know why the powers that be had a problem with it.  Maybe it is just a house of order thing. However, if one believes a Bishop is called of God to lead the ward, it follows that one should try to heed his counsel.

   Joseph came to the adult class, but some of the young adults went to Sister S's class in spite of the Bishop's admonition. A small thing, but.....well, I am glad that Joseph followed counsel.

   Relief Society -  How do you know there is a God? Debbie G answered best, I think: the Holy Ghost. But she didn't answer out loud, just quietly to me.  All the other witnesses help, but ultimately it is the Holy Ghost.

    Discussion of the wonders of nature et cetera led to talking about evolution. I realize that I don't know what Darwin actually said vs what people say he said. Might be interesting to learn.


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