Sunday, September 22, 2019

Tina, eat. Food. Eat the FOOD!

Without giving any details, Sariah told me Acadia only tells us the good stuff and that she has had some challenges.  How do we know what to pray for? Just bless Acadia / Sister Roser (depending on my mood).  I  glad she recognizes and shares so much good and I can see that she is really helping people change their lives for the better.  But I do sometimes wish I knew what is really going on.

No progress on the kitchen yet.   Thomas is communicating with the cabinet maker who wants thousands of dollars in actual paper money cash.  Thomas says it is not illegal.  I am going to either have to make many multiple trips to the ATM on many different days or drive to Davis where my brick and mortar is.

No progress on the cat, either.  She refuses to eat the expensive wet cat food which is specially formulated to help with urinary tract health whether or not I put the laxative in it.  Joseph's cat is willing to see that it isn't thrown out.  Felicity will nibble at the expensive special formula dry food.  Velox likes it, too.  Felicity has not had any unfortunate episodes since her doctor visit, but as she usually goes a good while between, that doesn't tell me anything. 

I  drove a sister (Noreen)who lives in a group home to see her fiance who is in a health care facility a couple of times. 

At our Relief Society Leadership Training Thursday, they had us turn on our Family Tree apps on our phones and do Find Relatives Near Me.  My!  we are almost all distant cousins.  Except Miriam.  My phone said she is not related.  lol  Something about how her phone is set up, I don't know.  We also did speed friendshipping.  We are supposed to apply that to ministering.  It isn't that hard to try to get to know people.

Thursday was also Talk Like a Pirate Day, but I am no good at that.  I wore a black skirt, white blousy blouse and a maroon headscarf.  I also tried to make a Treasure Map pizza.  Tip:  add the landmarks after baking.  Olives did ok, but ground beef rocks, cheese X, and broccoli trees melted and/or sank.   Andrew recognized what it was supposed to be and got a tickle out of it.  He is also pretty good at talking like a pirate.  I suppose I should practice because I think Disney cruises always have a pirate night.  And I do want to go on an Disney Alaska cruise!

I didn't make it to the temple Friday which turned out to be a good thing because the gal that signed up to take Noreen to visit her fiance that day forgot and it turned out to be one of the times I drove. 

Debi hosted a Baby Shower for Bethany Saturday and Sariah came down from Vancouver!  I ended up staying all afternoon after the shower just visiting.  The Hinds kids had folded a bunch of paper airplanes in different colors which Debi hung around the room.  No silly baby shower games.  Debi had purchased several plaind white onsies in different sizes and we decorated them with fabric pens.  Much fun and pretty cute.  (And if they are not cute, put other clothes over them, anyway)

Bethany's boss and his wife gave her this cute bomber's jacket for baby - probably when he's a toddler.

Favorite Facebook meme today:  Next week was exhausting!

Delores, one of the sisters I minister to went to the emergency room today and  will be staying at least overnight at Mercy General.  She turns 87 Tuesday.  I made she her ministering brothers know.  Just as I was about to leave to go visit her after dinner, one of them called to say that he and his wife were about to go over.  I will go visit her Monday.

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