Wednesday, April 11, 2007

I consider being ill as one of the great pleasures of life, provided one is not too ill.

That quote applies if you can stay at home in bed and enjoy it. Not if you have to work.

When my mother-in-law died, I thought that would give me a good two hours a week that I didn't have before and that I would use it for letter writing and blogging. Somehow, it hasn't worked out as easily has I had hoped. The last couple of weeks have been special, what with General Conference and Easter, but still.......

well, here's for a quick midweek catch up...

My cold is doing better. Or, rather, I am doing better and my cold is diminishing. That's a relief.

Easter was nice even though I was not up to snuff. More like snuffles.

Last year I was so happy to start a new tradition for April 6th - a dinner of pulse - which we actually enjoyed. Unfortunately, it takes a little thinking ahead - soak the beans and grains overnight - and in my wake-headed and tired state, I didn't. The good news? The kids actually noticed. and kind of missed it. I need to soak those beans and have a late dinner. Maybe April 16th instead of April 6th?

Despite my cold and with the help of drugs, I went to the temple Saturday for the first time since I started work. It felt so good to be there. I had at first thought that I wanted to save Saturdays for the boys and try to go during one of their weekday quorum meetings. That didn't work because their meetings aren't really all that long and I am just too tired, anyway. I think I may take one Saturday morning a month for the temple and one for the BloodSource.

Friday morning, my front tire was flat. So, instead of taking my dog to play at the dog park, I took her to the gas station to pump it up. After morning family prayer (another benefit since the divorce), the boys and I went out to change the spare. AFTER emptying the junk from the trunk and starting to remove the lug nuts, it occured to me that we might be able to wait. The tire had not measurably lost pressure in the last 10-20 minutes, so we re-tightened and re-loaded, so I could go to work on time. The guys were worried about me. Could I change the tire alone if it was flat when I got off work? They promised to ride their bikes to the light rail station if I needed them. Luckily, it was a little softer, but not flat.

After the temple, I spent the afternoon hanging around PetSmart and Costco while they replaced all 4 tires. I feel much more confident now. and a little bit poorer, but I had saved it up.

Despite Ben's protests, the boys all got hair cuts. "I miss my hair!" I think they look nice. How is he going to serve his mission? Let's not think about him and the military!

I was lazy for Easter. I didn't fill our plastic eggs. The boys hid them for each other and for me. Come to think of it, I still have one to find. We just put the big bags of candy in the middle of the room 0 out of dog reach - and the boys divided them between us later. The Easter bunny did bring us some See's candy (kids of co-workers fundraisers) and 2 movies - "Pursuit of Happyness" and "the Nativity." Which one do you think we watched right away? sigh It is a good, uplifting movie.

Church was ok, but I am sometimes disappointed that we don't make more of a special day of special days. Glen spoke (I think he is staying in the ward through the summer) and his talk was about the atonement and resurrection and the choir sang a couple of songs. But, really, I could deal with the whole meeting and meeting block being focused, really I could.

We had a nice dinner with the usual family Sunday gropu - all my local (not NECESSARILY loco) kids and Glen. Everyone brought something, a not-too, but- fairly recent family Sunday dinner tradition which I really appreciate. As usual, Ruth and Tom let us use their house. Someday! someday, sadly not too soon, we will have the option of meeting here. Miriam borrowed "Testaments" for a friend for us to watch - in between the boys debating the relative strengths of their fantasy super heroes and Debi speculating on and anticipating the Amazing Race.

This week at work is going much better than last week. It helps to have this cold abating!

Time for prayer, scripture, Book Club, shower and bed. Sweet dreams!

1 comment:

  1. It's good to hear your update. I'm glad for the good parts and sorry for the not as good parts. lol

    I have been going crazy busy! I need to call you though... you can call me anytime you have time too. :)

    Love you!

