Friday, April 17, 2020

fat cat, fat bird

     I may have told you that my cat Felicity has had some health issues.  Every now and then, not often, thankfully!  She cries like she is in real pain and either poops on the floor - when normally she is very good about using the cat box - or throws up.  So a few months ago I took her to the vet.  They ran a bunch of tests that did not tell us what the problem is, but found problems that we didn't know about.  She had bladder stones - which does not cause those symptoms.  The x-ray showed a strange narrowing at the end of her intestine.  No idea why.   They MIGHT learn more if we do a $2000 plus test.  The doctor realized that is a bit much and suggested we try some treatments.   We don't let her outside where she might get something strange to eat.  We don't let her eat the regular cat food from Costco.  I buy her expensive prescribed food. I also give her laxative every day with her food..  We can keep her out of the garage where the regular cat food is out for Velox.  She doesn't like being restricted, especially from going out.  Velox wants to eat Felicity's food.  I don't have a place to put food where we can keep Velox out and just feed Felicity.  I got Felicity a special dish that reads her microchip and only opens for her. 
    She went back recently for a re-check.  She has had fewer episodes.  Usually it happens after she has escaped to the garage or outside briefly.  The bladder stones are gone, too.  So that's good. The vet said to continue the treatment.
    But she is too fat.  So, they recommended lower calorie prescription food.  Right after I had gotten a new 7 lb bag from Chewy.  argh.  So I spent a bunch more money on the low calorie bag.  Poured them both into a garbage bag and mixed it up.  I am also measuring her food and only giving her about 1/3 cup in the morning and 1/3 cup in the evening with laxative.  She does not seem to be losing weight.
    Know how I know?  I have to pick her up twice a day.  I asked the vet if she is in pain.  It's hard to tell with animals sometimes.  She is way lazier than Joseph's cat. Felicity lays around and sleeps all day.  Velox does crazy cat runs now and then and plays with little things she finds lying around. Personality or pain?  The vet prescribed pain medicine for me to give her twice a day. 
     Felicity does not like taking her pain medicine.  For awhile she waddled quickly away every time I approached her.  And hid under the furniture.  Finally, I connected her meals with her medicine.  When she tells me she's hungry in the morning and again in the evening, I dish up her food (and laxative) and put it out of reach.  Then I fill the syringe with medicine (which I squirt into her mouth).  And sit down near her food.  If she refuses to come, I go about my business for a bit.  Eventually, she will come within reach.  I pick her up, squirt in the medicine  - slowly so she doesn't choke, pet her, and put her and her food down.  
      She seems just as lazy and sleep-all-day as before and she is not any lighter to pick up.  I will call the vet in a week or so for an end of month consult. 
      Also, several months ago, we noticed that our cockatiel, Mr. Kismet's beak was overgrown.  I took him to a  bird vet 30 miles away.  They trimmed his beak, told me I was feeding him the wrong food which can cause beak trouble.  So he gets vet recommended food from Chewy now, too.  He just went back to the vet again.  Who filed his beak which was slightly not very overgrown, trimmed his nails, and told me that he, too, is overweight.  I guess he likes the healthier food. So, now I am supposed to cut back on his food. That's a little scary because I worry about birds starving. 
      Yes, pets can be a bit of bother and sometimes expensive, but I still think they are worth it.
     Btw, both Felicity's vet and Mr. Kismet's vet complimented their patient for being very sweet.
     I am overweight, too.  Good news / bad news. I am my own owner and get my own food. 
     That reminds me.  Time to fix dinner. 


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